Project Introduction

TLDR Luminal is a web3 universe, a future brand name, and eventually en entire ecosystem.

We're going to build a living science fiction universe, complete with alien worlds, characters, and rich & detailed ongoing (live) lore.

What began as a simple art project stemming from my idea of creating a universe set in the distant future via AI art, has now taken shape into something far more ambitious. For decades, I have dreamed of creating a science fiction universe through a medium I've previously been unable to pin down. I've toyed with the idea of writing a series of novels (despite not being the best fiction writer). I've thought about creating a video game, a TV show script, a series of artworks, and much more. The one constant is that I want to put all of my creativity into creating a living, breathing world. Luminal will do this, using NFTs.

The Luminal Project is the outlet for my creativity. We're going to build a living science fiction universe, complete with alien worlds, characters, and rich & detailed ongoing (or live) lore. We'll tell the story through a wide variety of immersive and interactive medium, such as art, gamification, lore, audio recordings of said lore, graphic novellas, and much more. Luminal is a multi-phase project that begins with our Genesis Collection. The Genesis Collection is made up of 444 x entirely unique alien worlds, making up the Luminal Galaxy. This collection was stealth dropped at a mint price of only 0.02 ETH on 12th June, 2022. We sold out in less than two minutes, hit 100 ETH trading volume within days, leading to Opensea verification extremely quickly.

Holding a Luminal Genesis world will grant you a number of exclusive benefits for the entire life of the Luminal Project, but we'll go into most of these later. One of these benefits is that for each Genesis NFT you own, you are entitled to a free mint of the Luminal Universe project.

Luminal Universe is the second phase of the Luminal Project; a collection of 1444 x character NFTs, made up of three species of lifeform that exist within the territories and lore of the original collection's 444 Genesis worlds.

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