Our Core Values

Nobody gets left behind.

Something I've noticed from being involved with and supporting other projects, is that it's very easy to feel out of the loop. This applies to everyone, regardless of your involvement level with the project.

Our Genesis holders will always be rewarded for everything that follows.

Founder & Team will always be active in Discord

Silence from founding teams speaks volumes. If you hear nothing, or very little from the team working on the project, this will always, without exception, lead to uncertainty and doubt. It is for this reason that I've made it my commitment to always stay engaged with our community.

Community First

I mean this from the heart. Community above all else. Without the community, what we have isn't worth having. We already have the foundations of an exceptional community, and we'll work to continue to keep these same vibes as we grow.

Building Transparently

Having worked on phase 2 of the Luminal Project now for a few weeks, I can see how it's easy not to be transparent with every minor detail of what's occuring behind the scenes. That being said, I stand by our decision to share the details; warts and all. If I make a mistake, you need to know that I've messed up and what I'm going to do to ensure it doesn't happen again. I must be accountable for the negatives as well as the positives. I am only human, after all.

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