Personal Introduction

A message from the founder; nprussell.

I’ll introduce myself first so you feel confident investing in me and my vision. In the current meta of goblins, derivatives and degen free mints, it’s hard to do something completely different and try to shift the meta back to serious investments, but that is exactly what I’m hoping to achieve here. I believe that while our growth will be slow and steady, the real builders pushing real projects will eventually prevail. These sorts of projects are what web3 can be all about.

My full name is Nathan P Russell, and I’m from the UK. I’m 38 years young, a Dad of one, and I’ve been a bit of a jack of all trades over my 20 years of work/business. Web 2 me has worked in software development, UI design, graphic design, data analysis and dealing in collectables. My passion, however, lies in art and creative projects in general. It’s how I unwind.

Since joining the NFT space as an artist, I created the artwork for the extremely popular and future blue-chip, Llamaverse. I’ve enjoyed every minute of it, and am in fact still on the Llamalabs team working on the Spit Buddies project with Hellequinn. I’ve learned most of what I know about running a successful project from the guys over there, who really have been an inspiration to me from day one. That being said, I've also taken a few key things I'd personally do differently.

Luminal Genesis isn’t something I’ve had planned for months and months. I always intended to start my own project, but I’ve been watching and learning; absorbing as much as I could from others so that when I did eventually launch a project, it would be one worth investing in. The artwork, however, has been months in the making. I started playing around with pixel art many many years ago, which led to me being hired to create the artwork for Llamaverse. My AI art journey began around January 2022. I had no intention of turning this experimentation into a an NFT project, until the idea of Luminal Genesis came to me out of the blue in late May 2022.

Eventually, I posted my idea on Twitter on my personal account. The feedback I received was insane, and the positivity completely blew me away. Well over 2500 liked the Tweet, which was absolutely the kick up the backside I needed to turn it into something real, so that’s what I did.

So that’s me.

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